An AR mobile application helps jewelry businesses allow users to try jewelry on themselves before purchasing from afar. Social distancing causes massive damage to the jewelry industry, mostly because of dropping sales. The app allows users to shop despite long distance and social-distancing policies to see if their favorite rings fit their skin color.
The AR function will display the wedding rings and necklaces. There are several types of jewelry designs for users to borrow. They can choose from different sizes, models, and colors to match their expectations, consider it in real-time based.


Inspired by my own wedding preparation in the Covid -19 situation. I had to buy a ring from afar and there is no means to see if the rings match my expectations.


Product Design
UI Design
UX Research
Market Research


Adobe XD
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Premiere
Atomic Deisgn
Google Form
Paper & pen



• To combine mobile augmented reality technology with jewelry shopping to build a product targeting
for low incoming shopper, resolving online shopping obstacles.
• To investigate the possible future of shopping with AR technology application as well as AR
potential during and after the Covid 19 pandemic.


User Center Design Approach

The global banking sector recently suffered from low-interest saving rates, therefore, require innovative solutions to encourage savers back into the market and save money

UX Research & Analysis

Some common elements of written reports include headings to indicate topics and help the

Customer journey & Persona

We are using UCD methodology, every step is working closely to customers to understand

Atomic Design System

We are using UCD methodology, every step is working closely to customers to understand


How does AR technology improve the user experience in jewelry shopping?

What role does AR technology play in solving the problem of online shopping, especially toward low-income shoppers during pandemic?

What functional factors group of Try-on products incorporating AR technology to enhance customer satisfaction?

How is the potential for AR technology development in online shopping during and after Covid pandemic?

Research Finding

Current Market

The hardest part of the UX is not selling certain services,, but to educate non-user to know and comprehend clearly about the
products. Customer Journey map give us adeep insight of their journey, in order to figure out where are the touch points that we can reach


The hardest part of the UX is not selling certain services,, but to educate non-user to know and comprehend clearly about the
products. Customer Journey map give us adeep insight of their journey, in order to figure out where are the touch points that we can reach


Information Architecture

Site Map

User Flow


Research of Good firms (2020) offers the functions that customers use traditional apps most liked and concerned. Therefore, in addition to developing a new feature called AR Tryon, the product in research also needs to ensure the full provision of these features.
Besides AR ring try on, the user has a need for recommendations, wish list, payment, as well as inquiries with a consultant service. With such a goal, the product’s concept is shaped to include 5 main features: Borrow Rings, Purchase Rings, Contact CC, Promotion and AR Tryon Ring

AR TryOn Ring

Accounts management is essential transaction in daily basis of user. Our design goal is to make users feel confidence when it comes to their portfolio management.

Borrow other Rings

This is second most common activity, and the most emotionally invested. Carefully design UI that employs behavioral science can create better decisions for risky transactions.

Purchase Rings

Some of the customer’s core frustrations are seen during their in-store experiences, being unimpressed with busy and un-interested floor staff as well as poor changeroom assistance and availability.

Contact CC

Whether exploring new products or looking for something specific, product browsing is the key goal of any shopping experience, and as such it must be well thought-out

Wire Frame

Homepage: The starting point of all features and functions in the product is the homepage, which would be the first thing to decide the user-friendly and impressive. A good homepage design will be a favorable premise to complete the design of the entire flow of the app.
The first critical thinking problem is the choice between the two features Ring borrow or Ring AR Tryon located on the home page. Despite Ring Borrow’s high importance to users, the home page is oriented to build the killing point of the product, AR Tryon.

This decision is to help customers avoid difficulty accessing the main point of the product, creating a competitive advantage over other normal shopping apps


There are too many tabs on the current Barclay app version that caused confusion to users. The new site map has only 4 tabs, which are: Home, Payment, Product Management, and Setting.



In order to bring the greatest result, the whole app should be reconstructed and re-apply its branding visual.



Image Code

Design System


UI Design & Prototype

Designing a flexible set of steps that can capture the amount of data the user feels comfortable submitting—prioritising name, email and password fields—while leaving the door ajar for a customer to skip at any time.

Prototype Demo

Designing a flexible set of steps that can capture the amount of data the user feels comfortable submitting—prioritising name, email and password fields—while leaving the door ajar for a customer to skip at any time.

MVP App Demo

Real app working on Android, functions and UI


Besides optimizing the user flow from before using the product, the afterward flow is also developed to close the deal with our beloved customers. The saving, pension, and insurance products might sound totally different at first, however they actually share the same flows of educating users and getting them onboard:


Despite the limitations of the MVP version, users still seem interested in idea and willing to recommend this app to others. However, some feedbacks from users state that technology still cannot completely replace the instore experience because of the lack of hand feeling and jewelry reflection. In addition, customers need to be directly consulted by the sale consultants because knowledge of users when buying rings, especially diamond rings, is pretty questionable.

In regards with customer satisfaction, this research also tested the impact of feature groups on customer satisfaction, including: Usability, Functionality, Reliability and Compatibility. In the four above factor groups, the features and characteristics related to the Reliability and Compatibility of the product have no evidence of an impact on customer satisfaction through factor analysis and regression analysis. Meanwhile, it is necessary to pay special attention to two groups of factors: Usability and Functionality in product development because these factor groups affect positively on the level of customer satisfaction. In particular, App needs to be easy to use, easy to observe and make purchases quickly.

Future Development